Photos from here and there, mostly in the South Pacific.
This site serves mostly to document the miracle of the mundane.
Copyright Notice
All content on this site may be used by others, subject to a Creative Commons license. Briefly, you’re free to share this content, or to alter it for your purposes, but you need to attribute the photo to me, and if you distribute the results, it must be under the same terms as the original (i.e. this) license. See this page for details.
High resolution versions of these photos are available on demand, subject to additional licensing constraints. Contact me for details.
The Proprietor
An avid photographer who has been documenting remote places and their peoples for decades.
I record and distribute original music, performing as Graham Cromwell. I have a lot of my more recent stuff on SoundCloud.
I also write from time to time.
You can reach Dan McGarry at